Happy New Year!!!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful New Years Day. Justin & I are nursing our hangovers, reminiscing about how much we accomplished this year with our house. We really have come a long way!! We wanted to thank all of you for following along and allowing me to share our progress with you. It's so much more enjoyable when we have people to share with.

So while we're reminiscing, today we're sharing our nine most popular posts from 2013.

Best DIY's of 2013

Master Bedroom Remodel

Master Bedroom Remodel

DIY Abstract Wall Art

Master Bedroom Painting

Affordable DIY Art

Affordable DIY Art for the Bedroom

DIY Coffee & End Tables

DIY Coffee and End Table

DIY Couch Sleeve

DIY Couch Sleeve_close

West Elm Inspired Floor Mirror

West Elm Inspired Mirror

Living Room Remodel

Shop the Room Living Room

Ikea refresh to our Guest Bedroom

Guest Bedroom Headline

DIY Striped Curtains

curtains preview

What a busy year!! What did you accomplish this year that you're most proud of?

Linking up to: Give Me The Goods Monday, Make it Pretty Monday, Motivate Me Monday, Craft-o-Matic, Monday Funday, That DIY Party, Mod Mix Monday, Tuesdays at Our Home, Tell Me Tuesday, Remodelaholic, Time to Sparkle, Take a Look Tuesday, Work It Wednesday, Simply Create Thursdays, The Weekly Creative, Inspire Me Please What's Shaking Link Party, Craft Frenzy Friday, DIY Weekend, The Humble Brag, Friday Flash Blog, Lovely Ladies Linky, Best of the Weekend, Tutorials and Tips, Wow Us Wednesday,  Making Monday, Before and Afters, Craft, Create & Inspire, Pincentive Blog Hop, Wow Me Wednesday, Live Laugh Linky,  Create It Thursday,  Inspiration Gallery,  Craft Frenzy Friday,  Feathered Nest Friday,  Friday Flash Blog,  The Party Bunch,  Friday Follow Along Party,  What's Shakin' Link Party,  Inspiration Monday, Link it or Lump it,  Let's Pour Tea PartyFrugal Crafty Home Party, It's a Party,  