have you ever picked a word or phrase to help guide you through the year to come? I've set resolutions in the past [and some years I made a resolution not to set resolutions] but the idea of picking a word really appealed to me. some simply choose a word on their own- I was planning to as part of filling out this amazing workbook.

originally I had tossed around the idea of the word hustle. last year I gave myself freedom to explore and grow, but this is my year to get things done. I'm not crazy about the actual word, but the idea of it seemed to fit my plans for the year and what I need to do to accomplish them:

travel to Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, and the United States
hop around the US for a solid month- from all over Michigan to California and Texas
continue to blog our adventures from the road
return to Taiwan for another school year in Hsinchu
play tour guide to potentially 4 different visitors in Taiwan
write a book, and scarier yet, publish it
figure out what and where comes next in our life

[and that's just the stuff we already have settled.]

as I was contemplating all of this and trying to start the workbook, I ran into a bit of trouble. it seems that our printer is missing the cable that allows you to connect to a computer and print. uh, problem. but I was determined to go through the workbook and plan out my 2014. so I found a notebook with some space and decided to write it out by hand.

and in the course of doing so I realized what my motto for 2014 should be: challenge accepted.

I think that a little bit of attitude is exactly what I need for the coming year. it's not just about getting work done. it's about finding a way to make things happen, no mater what life throws at me. because I know already that 2014 will be a challenge... but I also know that I'm ready to face it.

[linking up with Nicole for treat yo self Thursday]