It's makover time!

One of the most important rooms that I needed to accomplish setting-up and decorating was our new living & dining room. Obviously, most of our time at home is spent in these rooms and it's where we entertain our guests. So while I'm taking my time with decorating our house to make sure I do it perfectly, the living & dining room just couldn't wait.

I've been sharing some of the inspiration that I've found in my past posts, and I decided on this color palette as my inspiration for this room

Mint Color Palette

Luckily, this image post on included the paint color and everything, so it was simple for me to begin to replicate. (Yes, I said replicate. I'm copying the shit out of this room!)

This will be a multi-month project for me as I start to collect decor that fits within our new color palette and we start to buy some new furniture to match. For now, we're going to mix n' match our old living room style with our new style. But that's OK. I'm saving up for a new sofa, arm chairs and chair covers for the dining room, and a lot  more which will really help to transofrm this room.

But since the final results are some-time away, here's the transformation thus far.




We're well on our way!