well. it's friday again. here's my list of happy smiley good things and moments to be thankful for this week [and of course a mostly unrelated instagram photo... though my nailpolish collection does make me quite happy!]

1. the overwhelming response I received to this post. thank you all for the comments, emails, tweets, and messages. [especially those of you who don't share my views.] you guys. are. awesome.

2. this post on happiness. yes. read it, do it, be it. [also loving her super simple blog design.]

3. these 10 real-talk blog tips. my favorite is "find your voice and be vulnerable". both things I'm working on and feel like I've made some progress as of late.

4. my knee has healed enough that I was able to return to yoga class this week. I am definitely going to need some time to catch back up, but I was able to do a lot. our teacher is very sweet, and after looking at my knee she sent me a traditional Chinese remedy. it's basically liquid icy hot that you massage into the bruise and it smells like aftershave gone wrong... but at this point it's worth a try.

5. and finally... Skyfall. if it's out where you live, go see it. the plot is phenominal, and the story is full of "classic Bond" moments and nods to previous movies. plus, you know, Daniel Craig.

happy weekend! xo