crossing something else off my 13 by 2013 list... here's a little tour of my new blog design! [if you are in a reader, you may want to click over to my site so this makes sense] I've moved to a 3-column design that hopefully puts what is important right up in your face. I added a search feature in the top right corner, and created photo links to various categories. links to various social media are now nice big words instead of tiny icons, and under the "followers" box on the left you can find links to subscribe via RSS, Google, Email, or Bloglovin'.

the new font you see everywhere is one I made myself using my iPad and my finger [stylus is going on my Christmas list.] the "polaroids" are from the shakeit photo app for iPhone. and... that's about it! if you have any questions or if you are having issues viewing the new design or find problems with any links, please let me know :)