We’re officially in our house, again.

The movers brought all of our things and dropped them off at our house. They offered to unpack them all as well (included in our relocation package with my new employer) but I just couldn’t figure out what to do with anything yet since Justin is still finishing up his remodeling things. So we told them we'd unpack everything ourselves in time. 

So now our house looks like this.

IMG_6045 2012-10-198

The first time we moved into this house I took a completely different approach. Filling rooms with whatever was there instead of thinking through the purpose of each room & each space and really planning out how to best utilize and best dress the space.  But not this time. This time I’m going to be more of an adult about this. I want the house to be functional and beautiful. Not just a random piling of things that don’t look or work well together.

So until I figure out my strategy, I guess we’ll have a few boxes sitting around the house.
Who knew being an adult was so difficult?

Unpacking is sooo exhausting