just popping in quick to wrap up the month before I start my blogging vacation for July. this month I only have one goal: to relax and enjoy spending time with friends + family.

last month I accomplished all my goals:
+ get packed and get back to the states +
+ participate in Rachel's instagram photo challenge +
+ print a paper copy of my book manuscript to edit +
+ run a 5k race with my Mom +
+ come up with a blog plan for summer +

I'll be traveling all over the country these next few weeks, and you can still keep up with me on twitter and instagramI hope you all have an amazing July, I'll be back in August with plenty to share! xo

the cup of coffee that fueled the writing of today’s post was sponsored by Kristen. she drinks her coffee with soy milk + stevia, and blogs about life and learning to enjoy every day over at ok, enjoy. go say hello!

linking up with Melyssa for weekly wishes.