from a blogging standpoint, this year has been really productive for me. [my pageviews have increased by 40% since 2014 started... hi-five to myself!] I actually accomplished all of my January goals... and then didn't even set any for February. vacation was wonderful but it really threw me off my book-writing and workout mojo, and I let myself be wrapped up in keeping things up here.

I am sad to say that I went almost an entire month without working on my book. at all. I thought about it plenty. but when it came to the doing I always had something else that seemed to be more important easier to do and therefore was done instead.

does this sort of thing happen to you? you take a break from something. you keep telling yourself you need to start again. but it seems the longer you go without doing it, the more impossible it seems starting again will be. so you just put it off longer and longer because it feels like it will be more and more painful when you pick it back up.

finally - you start. and it sucks for the first five minutes or so. but then you stop and think "why on EARTH was I procrastinating this? it feels so good to do _____ again!"

yes? well, that was me with book writing. I picked it up again last week and ever since I have been bursting with ideas and energy. I'm cooking dinner, brushing my teeth, or running errands and words and phrases just start coming to me and I have to run to find pen and paper so I can write them down. I've been rethinking everything, but in a good way. I'm overflowing with good creative juice and I'm just pouring it all into this story. you guys, this is what I want writing my book to feel like.

and I think that the not-so-secret secret is: I just need keep writing.

we don't have any major plans for March, but towards the end of April things are going to get busy. people will be visiting, we will be traveling. and then in June we fly back to the states for summer and will be spending a solid seven weeks criss-crossing the country to see people... making time to write is going to get really difficult. so for March, I need to get as much in as I can.

it's really quite ironic. when I was looking ahead to what I wanted to do this year, I wrote under January "ENJOY vacation, but don't break new habits" referring to regular book writing sessions. well, oops. but there's time to get back on track. and it gets even more hilarious when I look at my notes for March: "write your face off, write your face off, write your face off." [seriously, I wrote it three times.]

so I flopped on February. in March, I will get back on track.

+ book writing +

I want to dedicate 4 or more writing sessions to working on the book each week. right now I'm around 20,000 words into my first draft. 21,233 to be exact. if I could be at 50,000 by the end of March, that would be amazing. I'm hoping for at least 35-40k. hopefully that isn't too crazy.

+ blogging +

tough I'm going to spend more time on the book, I want keep up with 3 posts per week, and make sure sponsors are getting enough love. [ps - have you checked out the ladies on my sidebar lately? you'll be hearing more from them soon!] I still have plenty of adventure from Bali to share, and hoping to show you a little more of Taiwan too.

+ balancing with exercise +

since my other two goals involve a lot of time sitting at my computer, I'd like to be sure I get off my butt and sweat a few times a week. there's a weekly yoga class that started up at the school which I plan to go to. I also want to start training for a race this summer [which I should sign up for.] and of course I want to spend some time with my buddy Jillian.

so here's hoping this month can get back on track. what are you hoping to accomplish in March?

linking up with Melyssa