Happy Monday and thanks for being here! Rea & I are super excited to see all of your DIY projects this week.
The DIY'ers Header
Here's what we've DIY'ed this week

Kayla's Projects from Home Coming 

Rea's Projects from Home for 4 Sweet Home

Rea's Weekly Projects

Here are my Top 3 favorite DIY projects from the party last week. All featured projects will also be pinned to The DIY'ers Pinterest board - so don't forget to follow. Or, follow along with all of my Pinterest boards here!

The DIY'ers Top 3

Ikat Upholstered Couch
Check out this AMAZING couch that Kayla from Confessions of a DIY'aholic reupholstered!
coffee and tea station
Liz from Create showed off their beautiful Coffee and Tea Station
Erin & Dan from DIY Passion shared this cool Gold & White bedside table
Now onto the party!

The DIY'ers

The Rules? They're simple!
  1. Follow each host somehow; any way is fine! 
  2. Take a picture of your DIY and link it up below. 
  3. Text link back to Home Coming, Home Sweet Home or pick up The DIY'ers button from the left sidebar and include it in your post so others can get involved in The DIY party.
