Welcome all to the 44th edition of the DIY'ers. I'm so happy to have you all here to show off your latest DIY projects.  Today I have some BIG news, because I have a new co-host to introduce to the party!
The DIY'ers Header
I'm honored to have Rea from Home for 4 Sweet Home as The DIY'ers new co-host! She's a great DIY'er who's so excited to join the party.

Rea and I will each chose our Top 3 projects from each week's party to feature, which will also be pinned to The DIY'ers Pinterest board - so don't forget to follow. Or, follow along with all of my Pinterest boards here!

Here's what we DIY'ed this week:

DIY'ers Projects Collage

Home Sweet Home_jan 6 projects collage

And here are my Top 3 projects that you linked up last week. There was SO much great work to choose from!! Keep the inspiration coming!

The DIY'ers Top 3
Amy from Homey Oh My does it again with a beautiful way to bring the outdoors in with Evergreens.
2014 Calendar & Blog Calendar
Diane's Vintage Zest shares her 2014 Calendar and Blog Calendar Free Printables
Forever Decorating shared some love for state art. How cute!
Now onto the party!

The DIY'ers

The Rules? They're simple!
  1. Follow each host somehow; any way is fine! 
  2. Take a picture of your DIY and link it up below. 
  3. Text link back to Home Coming, Home Sweet Home or pick up The DIY'ers button from the left sidebar and include it in your post so others can get involved in The DIY party.
