You've all seen our newly remodeled & redesigned Master Bedroom, which we love. We're still in the throws of remodeling, but soon, I'll have my very own Book Nook. know, the little corner of a room where you curl up with a good book and read for hours? Yeah, a book nook!

With our new bedroom layout, we have this adorable corner of the room that's surrounded by windows, and post-remodel, a really nice bulit-in bookshelf. What a perfect area for my soon-to-be Book Nook.

Reading Corner in Master Bedroom

I bet you smell a mood board coming on.

And you're right!  If you've been following us for long, you know that I compulsively need to put together a mood board before I can make any designing decisions. I'm a visual person, and it really helps me to ensure that the things that look good together in my head, really do look good together in person.

So without further adieu,  here's how I'm envisioning my Book Nook.

How to Style a Book Nook

What do you think? Does it all look good together? I'm planning on pulling some gold accents into the rest of the master bedroom too, so I really think that'll look great in there.

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