it's been a while since I just sat here and wrote. I've been trying so hard to keep up with things and stick to a schedule that the extraneous gut writing has been building up. I know you guys love free fonts and travel stories and goal-setting... but sometimes a girl just has to make a list of random things.


1. I get anxious before I travel. not about the actual travel [I kindof like flying] but about getting everything done before I leave on a trip. I feel very overwhelmed and that there are a hundred things that MUST be done... and so I turn into a multi-tasking machine. but I try to do so many things [half of them not actually important] that it takes me forever to get things done.

2. case in point: packing. does packing make me anxious. my train of thought goes something like this... I'm staying for 10 days so maybe I'll bring 4 pairs of shorts and 3 dresses. no, that's too much. 3 pairs of shorts. but which 3 pairs? if I bring these shorts they will go with this and this and this top... but I really like these polka dot shorts that only match one shirt. I need tshirts for visiting temples... wait, are the temple rules the same here? I should probably google that. and on, and on, and on.

3. for some reason I decided a great way to procrastinate get organized for packing was to pull out all of the clothing I might want to take with me, and hang it up and photograph it. said clothes are currently in a giant pile jammed into my wardrobe. if I get my ish together and actually decide which of those things I'm bringing and get them into my bag, you should have a very thorough packing post before I depart. [or maybe when I get back.]

4. I've been spending so much time writing at Starbucks [and probably tweeting about writing at Starbucks] that Starbucks followed me on twitter the other day. so... that made me feel pretty cool. but seriously, Starbucks has become my office. I have two tables that I alternate sitting at, depending if they're taken or if I feel like a high table that day. the baristas know my name and order, and there is one girl who shouts out "grande coffee of the day!" whenever I walk through the door.

5. aside from writing my face off and being too busy worrying about packing to actually pack... I've been getting into Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. [did you know that pretty much every one of her videos is available on youtube?] Jillian and I have been spending a lot of time together these past few weeks. and I both love and hate her. I've started the 30 day shred a few times before, but this is the first time I've made it to level two. dude, plank jacks. I'm not doing it every day, but mixing it in with the occasional run has made me feel a lot stronger.

and that's all the random I have for you today. [oh- and I did google temple etiquette in Bali.]