some exciting news!
I decided that it was finally time for me to man up and open my Pasionfruit Ads shop. that's right, my sponsorship options are now for sale! there are two options available, both at very budget-friendly prices. you can purchase them straight from my new sponsorship page, or head over to my profile in the Passionfruit marketplace.
I tried telling myself that friday is a bad day to launch, that people won't be reading blogs or buying ads over the next few holiday weeks, etc etc. but eventually I ran out of excuses and just decided to go for it. [which might have had a little to do with the awesome support you guys always show me.]
I've been working on setting up sponsorships for a while, and though I am really nervous to start I am also unbelievably excited!
you'll also notice things are looking a little different around here. I had originally planned to write you a post on the Grand Palace in Bangkok, but I fell down the blog design rabbit hole this morning.
yesterday, Kate posted these great resources for blog designers and I knew it meant my blog-tweaking itch must be scratched. I found a palette on Design Seeds, made my first ever image map, and here we are! I've kept the same tall films font I've been using, so hopefully you don't feel too lost.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, possibly decide to hang out on my sidebar for a bit, and let me know what you think of the new design. happy friday!