I've been blogging on Home Coming for a little over a year now and have DIY'ed a ton of projects and made a lot of progress on our house - and now all of you will be able to see all of that in a quick and easy way rather than having to scroll through the archives!

I knew I needed a simplier way to find and showcase past posts. I'm sure a very small percentage of you have read all of our archived posts - and other than family & close friends who have been around long enough to have read from the beginning, most of you have no idea the sheer amount of great DIY projects there are in this blog! 

So, for the past couple of weeks, I've been working super hard on putting together project catalogs in each of our Navigation categories, and it's finally done! (Don't mind the wonky formatting of my navigation bar right now though. I'm getting that fixed...)

Now you're able to click on Projects, Remodeling or House Tour and very easily see everything that we've worked on and shared on this wonderful blog called Home Coming. Want to get some DIY project inspiration? Well, you're in luck with our new Projects tab.

DIY Projects Catalog

Or do you want to see how our home remodeling projects are coming along? It's as simple as clicking on our Remodeling tab.

Home Remodel Catalog

And lastly, if you'd like to have a quick little tour through the Home Coming house, we've got all our Before & After photos up in our House Tour tab.

The Home Coming House Tour

So I hope all of you love this new archive as much as me, and find some past projects we've done that I know you'll all love.
