drinking: not coffee, as you might expect from the photo above. though I had a few cups of joe to get me through subbing today, class is over and it's time for some wine. [I had to open a bottle anyway for the stew I threw in the crock pot this morning... can't let it go to waste!] this is going to be a long installation of "currently" so you may want to grab a beverage yourself.

teaching: I've been doing a lot of subbing lately- 4 days in the past 2 weeks, including today. some classes are easier to cover than others, but all the kids are very well behaved. other than having to wake up at 6am, and a broken projector [which meant I had to hand-write power point slides on the chalkboard] I haven't had any issues. it's actually kind of neat... kids have started to recognize me and wave in the halls or on campus. I'm still not going to take it on as a career, but subbing is a relatively painless way to pick up some cash.

editing: pictures from the family shoot I did a few weeks ago. I'm making good progress, but there's a lot of photomerging involved since it's near impossible to get 4 kids under the age of 8 smiling and looking at the camera all for one shot. along with that, a bunch of random things you've been seeing / will be seeing [mstly thing I'm crossing off my 13 by 2013 list]. I find it helps to take a break every now and then from editing a large chunk of photos and work on something else for a bit.

reading: the happiness project. still. for some reason, I can fly through fiction books in a few hours but it takes me a while to read non-fiction. part of the slowness may be all the notes I'm taking, though - I've been scrawling away in my moleskine with my favorite sharpie writer. I'm almost to the point where I left off last time I read it, and I'm finding even more in this book that resonates with me. I think I'm going to end up doing a project of my own... obviously I love planning those kinds of things and who wouldn't want to be happier?

sweating: I made my triumphant [?] return to the gym this past weekend. I've been going to yoga, but this was my first "workout" since the scooter crash. I biked for 20 minutes with varied resistance. yeah, not that exciting. but 2 weeks ago I was still having trouble with stairs... so it's progress. I'll give the bike a few weeks, maybe try the elliptical out, and hopefully be able to hit the pavement for a run by the end of the year.

polishing: there has been a severe lack of nail art around here lately. the last design I did was actually quite awesome- I painted a leopard animal print. you can get a peek at it here [if you follow me on instagram, you saw a lot more!] but I never took any pictures with my DSLR. wah wah. and then my last 2 manicures were thwarted by chalkboard paint and a pair of chopsticks. so today after school I did a basic two tone. maybe you'll see that soon, or maybe something else, but rest assured I will keep painting my nails and [at least attempt] to blog the designs.

obsessing: over my new chalkboard wall in my office. our main chalkboard wall in the dining room is used for a giant calendar and shopping lists and reminders, so it's great to have a space of my own where I can scribble out ideas and inspiration. yes, my life is now permeated with chalk dust... but being married to a teacher makes that not far from the usual.

and, well, that's the end of my wine and that's the end of this post!

["currently" post inspired by Danielle at Sometimes Sweet