basic bunting. also known as: the easiest wall art project ever. it took me 5 minutes to make and hang, and I already had all the materials on hand. and it's so cute!

[please disregard that weird little pink bunny on our tv stand. he came free with a pack of duracell batteries and I completely did not see him in these photos until I started writing this post. so he stays.]

I've been a little slow to decorate our apartment here in Taiwan, but the living room walls have really been bugging me. they're just so big, and white, and blank. I bought some canvases but haven't made the commitment to painting them yet. I wanted to do something that was fall-ish but not overly so, since it still feels a bit like summer out. I also wanted to keep if neutral, since our living room furniture is pretty bright.

this project was so simple to make. hang a length of twine on the wall. cut out triangles from brown kraft paper [or use colored paper if you like] and attach to the twine. you can glue the paper on, or just use little clips or pins. I had these mini clothespins on hand and I think they go right with the neutral color scheme.

and that's it! I thought of painting the triangles or adding letters to spell something, but for now I like it plain. something very simple that brings in just a touch of whimsy and fun. and it makes me smile every time I look at the wall.

speaking of the wall, I'm going to give away a big secret here. my wall actually does not look like the above photo. I did a little photoshop to make it look better, but I'm going to be honest with you.

the wall really looks like this. one of the joys of living in a school-owned apartment overseas? cement walls, fun wires and light switches in random places. [on the plus side, the nails I hung the bunting on were already in the wall.] I think that's another reason why I've been slow to decorate...but at least the bunting is a start!
