back in the states, in Michigan, there is a small island that sits between the lower peninsula and the upper peninsula. the only way to get there is by boat. and once you arrive you have three choices: horse, bike, or foot. the water is cold and the shores are rocky, but the views are magnificent.

this past July, before Husband and I moved to Taiwan, we stayed there for a week with his family. I hadn't been since I was 12. but even though I ate a lot less fudge on this trip, I still loved biking around the island, building rock piles on the shore, and hiking to Arch Rock. we also discovered that Mission Point has Angry Orchard cider on tap, and the Seabiscuit Cafe does a mean molasses bourbon bacon.

I am just now [I know, I know] getting around to editing the last of the photos and thought I would share. we have our first visitor coming this weekend - one of Husband's old classmates from undergrad - so I'm sure I'll be back next week with more pictures and stories.

happy weekend!