don't worry, I figured out how to switch back to English.
greetings from our kitchen table in Hsinchu City, Taiwan! Husband and I arrived late last night [local time] after 20 hours of travel from Detroit. while those of you back home in the States are out enjoying your Friday night, I can tell you the future looks bright- it's a sunny Saturday morning from where I'm sitting. how we got here? I'm not even sure where to start... maybe that's the time warp. 

we stopped for early lunch from Jimmy Johns on the way to the airport, and then got all 6 bags checked with no problems. huge shout out to Katie for her assistance in packing - no bags overweight! we decided to have a second lunch while waiting for the flight: National Coney Island chili "super bowl"s and fries. [that was a good decision since plane food is always iffy.]

13 hours and a few movies later we arrived in Tokyo. we had a quick 20 minutes to go back through security and brush our teeth before boarding to Taipei. our second flight was a lot less crowded and we had more room to spread out. I was so exhausted I curled up on 2 seats and slept practically the whole way. we arrived around 9pm local time, made it through customs without incident, and grabbed all 6 bags. the western teachers liaison from the school was there to meet up, thankfully with a giant van to hold all our suitcases. from there is was only a 45 minute ride to get the the school campus and our new apartment.

we managed to sleep in this morning until 5:30, which is pretty good considering the 12 hour time difference. Husband has been setting up the wireless router and the apple TV, and watching the Olympic ceremonies while I snapped a few pictures on my phone to share. [obviously many more pictures to come, I was just too tired to whip out the SLR and get creative this morning]

main bedroom... and suitcases
detail on the doors to our bedroom porch
main + second bedrooms have matching storage units
yes, all of those books were in our bags and we managed to NOT go over weight.
view from our laundry room porch
hallway... I had to bring a little bit of home :)
living room + Husband celebrating internet connection
view from the living room porch... can't wait to start growing things!
kitchen. note the yellow packets of Chili seasoning.
the previous residents left us some leftovers :)
the western teachers liaison, Min, and some people from the school are coming later this morning to walk us around campus and the town. our apartment building is literally across the street from the school, and within walking distance to a Starbucks, 7-11, and just about everything we could need. once we've had a chance to walk around some, I'll be sure to post some pictures of our neighborhood and the park.

for now, I'm off to watch the end of the Olympic ceremonies and do a little unpacking...