this month for the writer's block feature, my sponsors are going to take you on a tour of their favorite destinations around the globe. pack your bags, read on, and be sure to visit their blogs for more when you're done!
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featured destination: Iceland
what do you consider a must-do for visitors here? There are several must-sees for Iceland. I recommend that you tour The Golden Circle. You can do this on your own or with a tour. I also recommend you spend some time in downtown Reykjavik exploring the town, talking to the super nice locals, shopping for a woolen sweater, and eating some yummy seafood. Also, make sure you stop by The Blue Lagoon before or after you head to the airport.
what is your favorite thing to eat in Iceland? There were so many good eats in Iceland. My favorite thing that I ate would have to be down by the Reykjavik Harbour at a restaurant called the Seabaron. You can get in line for some delicious and affordable lobster soup with a side of crusty bread.
any fun or largely unknown facts to share? Many of the people in Iceland still believe in Elves. I happened upon what is called an Elf Rock while in Reykjavik. The sign next to the rock explained the history of elves and that you should come and go as you please but never do harm to them and they won't use magic to punish you.
what is your favorite part about visiting Iceland? I had been excited to visit Iceland because I love the fact that so many of my favorite musical artists are from Iceland. The beautiful landscape and unreal views drew me in and I was so impressed with Iceland that I would love to return. I loved everything about it. Except for the how expensive Iceland was.
tips for anyone traveling there? If you are wanting to book any excursions like a puffin tour or whale watching you can walk down to the harbour and book it on the spot. Wanting to book something more adventurous like snorkeling between the tectonic plates? You can book through Arctic Adventures on the main shopping street or visit their website. The best way to get around is by car. The best time to come would depend on what you want to see. I prefer the summer but you can also see the Northern Lights in the winter. Don't forget to pack a rain jacket, warm clothes, and some hiking shoes!
learn more about Brittany Ruth on her blog: The Rococo Roamer
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I'm Christina, the girl behind the scenes here at Route Bliss. I'm a 30-something single wannabe vagabond whose practicality and realist side keeps her planted in East Texas. By weekday I write lots of reports at my job as well as daydream frequently where I want to travel to next, ways to motivate myself to getting fit for health and happiness's sake, and experimenting in the kitchen to make my favorite not so healthy foods healthier. I also like to take lots of photos of pretty things, furry critters (aka canines and felines), and beautiful destinations.
featured destination: Colorado Springs, Colorado
what do you consider a must-do for visitors to Colorado Springs? Travel to the top of Pikes Peak (via car or train), tour the Air Force Academy Chapel, the US Olympic Training Facility, Miramont Castle, and spend some time with nature at Garden of the Gods. Have more time? Hike the Manitou Incline!
what is your favorite thing to eat there? Anything served at the Airplane Restaurant ... or one of the food places in Old Colorado City
any fun or largely unknown facts to share? The Air Force Chapel actually contains four chapels -- the Protestant one that is on the upper level with the beautiful stained glass + on the lower level, a Catholic chapel, a Jewish synagogue area, and a area for Buddhists to worship.
what is your favorite part about visiting Colorado Springs? I've been here twice and both stops enjoyed spending time walking through the Old Colorado City neighborhood as well as the views while walking/driving through the Garden of the Gods
tips for anyone traveling there? Car is the best way to get around -- you can fly in to Denver and drive down or catch a flight directly into Colorado Springs. I visited in May and in June; May was a bit cooler and fewer crowds. If you're from a higher humidity area, don't let the lower temps frighten you -- what 35 degrees felt like on a May morning was the same as what 50 degrees feels like on a spring/fall morning in East Texas thanks to the lack of humidity. Don't forget lotion (drier area) + extra water if you're from a lower elevation!
Hi! I'm Olivia. I write about living overseas and travelling at Halfway Somewhere. I'm back home in Australia finishing university right now, as soon as I finish I plan to exhaust as many working holiday visas around the world as I can before I get too old to qualify for them. My biggest goal is to get my hands on a 1974 Winnebago motorhome and spend my days driving around. Hopefully in the next few years I'll get that going - after I graduate and work out the money situation!
featured destination: Madrid, Spain. I just got home after spending a semester living and studying there and it's skyrocketed up my 'favourite places' list. The first time I went I didn't like Madrid at all but now I'm a big fan.
what do you consider a must-do for visitors there? A walk down Paseo del Prado stopping in at the different museums along that road is a great way to spend a day. The Prado is the most famous, but I prefer the Reina Sofia and the Thyssen museums. They're much more modern and are more my style.
what was your favorite thing to eat in Madrid? An easier question would be what don't I like to eat in Madrid! The food there is insanely good, and cheap too. It's somewhere you can afford to eat at a lot of restaurants, thanks to the cheap menu del día's available. I did write a post earlier this year called An ode to croquetas, so it's safe to say those are one of my favourite things to eat there. They're gooey inside, crispy outside, and you can get them in all sorts of flavours. They're just amazing.
any fun or largely unknown facts to share? My favourite fun fact about Madrid is about the Fuente de la Cibeles, a fountain in the city centre. It's located next to the Banco de España and above the old gold reserves. Back in the day if the gold reserves were in danger of being stolen, the bottom of the fountain would give way and the water would flood the basement room where the gold was kept to keep it safe.
what was your favorite part about living in Madrid? I love how cheap it is to live in Madrid. Being the capital city, it's obviously not the cheapest place in Spain, but compared to other capitals in Europe it's a bargain. You still have world class art galleries, shopping, history, culture, and sport like many other places but the cost of living is much lower than Paris or London. It's also really easy to get out of the city and explore the rest of the country - an hour or two by train has you in a whole new place with its own stories and customs, which I love.
tips for anyone traveling there? Summer in Madrid can be a killer - there's just nowhere to go to escape the heat coming off all the concrete and buildings. But spring is perfect. It's beautiful, everybody's happy winter is over, and the vibe just changes. You still might need a coat though! The weather can be fickle at times.
featured destination: Colorado Springs, Colorado
what do you consider a must-do for visitors to Colorado Springs? Travel to the top of Pikes Peak (via car or train), tour the Air Force Academy Chapel, the US Olympic Training Facility, Miramont Castle, and spend some time with nature at Garden of the Gods. Have more time? Hike the Manitou Incline!
what is your favorite thing to eat there? Anything served at the Airplane Restaurant ... or one of the food places in Old Colorado City
any fun or largely unknown facts to share? The Air Force Chapel actually contains four chapels -- the Protestant one that is on the upper level with the beautiful stained glass + on the lower level, a Catholic chapel, a Jewish synagogue area, and a area for Buddhists to worship.
what is your favorite part about visiting Colorado Springs? I've been here twice and both stops enjoyed spending time walking through the Old Colorado City neighborhood as well as the views while walking/driving through the Garden of the Gods
tips for anyone traveling there? Car is the best way to get around -- you can fly in to Denver and drive down or catch a flight directly into Colorado Springs. I visited in May and in June; May was a bit cooler and fewer crowds. If you're from a higher humidity area, don't let the lower temps frighten you -- what 35 degrees felt like on a May morning was the same as what 50 degrees feels like on a spring/fall morning in East Texas thanks to the lack of humidity. Don't forget lotion (drier area) + extra water if you're from a lower elevation!
learn more about Christina on her blog: Route Bliss
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featured destination: Madrid, Spain. I just got home after spending a semester living and studying there and it's skyrocketed up my 'favourite places' list. The first time I went I didn't like Madrid at all but now I'm a big fan.
what do you consider a must-do for visitors there? A walk down Paseo del Prado stopping in at the different museums along that road is a great way to spend a day. The Prado is the most famous, but I prefer the Reina Sofia and the Thyssen museums. They're much more modern and are more my style.
what was your favorite thing to eat in Madrid? An easier question would be what don't I like to eat in Madrid! The food there is insanely good, and cheap too. It's somewhere you can afford to eat at a lot of restaurants, thanks to the cheap menu del día's available. I did write a post earlier this year called An ode to croquetas, so it's safe to say those are one of my favourite things to eat there. They're gooey inside, crispy outside, and you can get them in all sorts of flavours. They're just amazing.
any fun or largely unknown facts to share? My favourite fun fact about Madrid is about the Fuente de la Cibeles, a fountain in the city centre. It's located next to the Banco de España and above the old gold reserves. Back in the day if the gold reserves were in danger of being stolen, the bottom of the fountain would give way and the water would flood the basement room where the gold was kept to keep it safe.
what was your favorite part about living in Madrid? I love how cheap it is to live in Madrid. Being the capital city, it's obviously not the cheapest place in Spain, but compared to other capitals in Europe it's a bargain. You still have world class art galleries, shopping, history, culture, and sport like many other places but the cost of living is much lower than Paris or London. It's also really easy to get out of the city and explore the rest of the country - an hour or two by train has you in a whole new place with its own stories and customs, which I love.
tips for anyone traveling there? Summer in Madrid can be a killer - there's just nowhere to go to escape the heat coming off all the concrete and buildings. But spring is perfect. It's beautiful, everybody's happy winter is over, and the vibe just changes. You still might need a coat though! The weather can be fickle at times.
learn more about Olivia on her blog: Halfway Somewhere
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if you're interested in being featured next month on the writer's block, I still have ad spaces available!