grab yourself a cup of coffee, it's time for another life-catch-up session. here's what I'm currently up to...

adventuring: all over Taiwan. Husband's cousin and one of my NJ friends are here visiting this week, and we've been trying to show them everything Taiwan has to offer. we've already devoured some xiao long bao and taken them for a ride to Maokong on the Hello Kitty gondola, and this weekend we will be traveling to Taroko Gorge for some hiking.

loving: that the weather is starting to cool off [at least a little] here and the grocery stores have imported some tiny pumpkins. obviously, I had to buy one for the apartment. it's kind of turned into a tradition these past few years.

editing: photos from Hong Kong, photos from Taroko, photos from this summer... ok I still have a HUGE backlog of pictures. I've been doing my best to not take SO many this week, but it's difficult when faced with mountain views and colorful dragons.

struggling: with scooter issues. our scooter decided that it was going to break down this weekend while we were all the way downtown and it was pouring rain. we took a cab home, and Husband and I went back the next day and thankfully found a shop nearby that could fix it. [until the next day, when the scooter we were borrowing from a friend broke down on our way to the train station.]

lifting: Husband and I have been keeping up with our weight lifting, and I was really impressed that I increased my max deadlift by 10kg in one month.

creeped: by the old man at a nearby temple who made the cut-throat gesture at us while we were visiting the other day. I have no idea if we did something wrong or offensive [we weren't even taking pictures] but the four of us walked away as quickly as possible.

geeking: over the blog I designed for Husband. if you're a teacher, or have interest in world history and geography, you might want to check it out.

reading: Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice. I've mentioned before the shelf over at out school full of books left by past teachers... this was one I grabbed because I had heard of it and never read it. how do I say this? it was more depressing, and less sexy, than I had expected. not that it was bad. it was just different from most of the other vampire-related things I have read.

grateful: for the comments you all left on my posts about blogging with heart and my solo travels in Hong Kong. have I mentioned lately that I love you guys?