I have a beautiful new update to our dining room that I just couldn't wait to share with you. I completely transformed our dining room chandelier, and I'm about to show you how.

DIY Color Chandelier

If you're anything like me, you scour over Pinterest to find cool things that you can do to add to your home decor (...or style, or recipe book, or whatever else you could dream of). These bright colored chandeliers peaked my interest last year and I've been dying to try one for myself ever since.


And what amazing luck I have. Our house (when we bought it) came with this black & white chandelier. Honestly, I hated it. When we lived here last time around I took it down and replaced it with a more beachy-rustic looking one. I wasn't about to leave my beachy chandelier for the renters to ruin while we were away, so this ugly thing went back up.


I was just about to get rid of this thing for good  (sorry Jayne!), when I remembered how much I loved those bright colored chandeliers on Pinterest. It was like a light bulb went off in my head. Why don't I just spray paint this to match with our new decor?

So, I did. And here's how I did it.


Step 1: 

Make sure the chandelier surface is clean from any dust or dirt. Clean out all the little crevices so the paint sticks evenly throughout.

Step 2: 

Wrap up all of the electrical areas with blue painters tape so they don't get covered in paint; the cord and the sockets for the light bulbs.


Step 3: 

Before you paint, test your paint color to be certain that it's the color you want. Multiple layers of spray paint will start to appear gloppy (is that a word??) and will show drip marks.

Step 4: 

Spray paint away! I put two coats on and went through about a bottle and a half of spray paint.

And ta-dah! Here's the finished product:


I chose pink since that will (eventually) be my secondary color in the living room, so this will be a nice tie-in to really bring the space together. More room pictures to come soon!

If you've ever spray painted lighting fixtures, did you have good luck? Any tips you have?
UPDATE: And look at how much better it looks after I updated the table cloth to a lighter color. It's amazing how little changes can really transform a room. next up, getting new dining room chairs! 
 Dining Room

DIY Color Chandelier